Verse To Live By

Make it your ambition
to lead a quiet life
to mind your own business
and to work with your hands...

So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders

And so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

I Thessalonians 4:11-12

Monday, August 18, 2014

Simply Walking

There are many benefits to taking an evening walk.  They are:

  1. walking helps lower blood sugar
  2. walking aids digestion by speeding foods through the gastrointestinal tract
  3. walking can help calm you down and give you a new perspective by triggering brain nerve cells that help relax the senses
  4. walking in the evening helps one to sleep more soundly
  5. walking can increase bladder capacity overnight, reducing the number of trips to the bathroom in the night

You should wait 30-60 minutes after eating before walking, and be sure to drink plenty of water.

I have been walking twice a day on a regular basis for four months now.  I walk two miles in the morning and two miles in the evening.  I have definitely noticed the effects of the above benefits.  I hope to make this a life-long habit, as long as I am able.  

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