Verse To Live By

Make it your ambition
to lead a quiet life
to mind your own business
and to work with your hands...

So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders

And so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

I Thessalonians 4:11-12

Friday, August 22, 2014

Feeling Happy

A friend gave me a "Woman's World" magazine to browse through.  I read this article about five ways to feel happier every day, so since they are simple things, I thought I would post them.  I'm hoping fuscia is a happy color for you (obviously this is something females will better relate with).  Here are the steps:

  1. Relieve stress by watching funny shows, videos, and competitions.  Inspiring shows can lift your mood.
  2. When you are feeling moody, drinking some water may hydrate you and relieve fatigue that you don't know you have.  Your body may be saying "give me more liquid!"  Make it a healthy liquid!
  3. Healthy foods, rather than fast foods, can help chase away the blues.  Nutrients found in salads, vegetables, fruits, and nuts help produce serotonin and dopamine, relaxation hormones.
  4. To relieve work stress, take up a hobby, do things you enjoy.  Research has found that creative hobbies can help you make good decisions on the job.
  5. Save your "issues that might cause to tension" until after you have dinner because low blood sugar can cause impatience.  After eating you may be more able to compromise and be more loving.  A 20 second hug triggers a bonding hormone, making a person more likely to want to please you.
Okay, there you have it.  I will need to keep these things in mind! 

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