Verse To Live By

Make it your ambition
to lead a quiet life
to mind your own business
and to work with your hands...

So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders

And so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

I Thessalonians 4:11-12

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cleaning Made Simple!

Around the House

Today I have to give credit to my daughter-in-law (whose favorite color is orange...I think) for a very simple recipe for a cleaning solution.  When she was cleaning the tub in preparation for her favorite mother-in-law's visit, the stubborn stains refused to come off.  She did an on-line research and found this incredibly simple, yet powerful solution for cleaning the tub (and no doubt several other surfaces...I used it in my kitchen sink).  Here it is...

Simple Cleaning Solution

Combine 50% Dawn dish washing soap and 50% vinegar in a spray bottle, and mix by shaking.  Spray surface of the tub (or any surface you are cleaning) and let it set for 10 minutes.  Wipe down with a damp cloth, and your stains will disappear!  

Her tub was sparkling white when we got there, like brand new.  When she told me what she did, I knew I was going to need to try that solution.  My husband mixed it up for me and sprayed our shower around the door frame where crud had accumulated over the years.  When he went back to wipe it up with a damp cloth, he did use a putty knife, but the crud was softened enough to come right off.  Looks terrific!

Hey, if it's simple, I'm going to try it!  If it works, I'm going to publish it!  

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